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Bethlehem Full Day Private Tour

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Bethlehem Full Day Private Tour
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Bethlehem Full Day Private Tour

Explore the most important christian sites in the holy lands with this tour. This private tour is designed so you don't waste any time waiting for a big group to finish and move around. So you get to have a comprehensive tour. All Private tours are operated with the newest cars and the most comfortable.

Bethlehem is one of the important christian sites in the holy lands as it contains one of the oldest churches in the world The church of Nativity. A guided tour of the church is provided as well as Saint Catherine's church and The Church of Milk Grotto.  Then we continue our trip to Beit Sahour the city of The Shepherd's. Beit sahour is one of the highest cities in christian population. We will explore the daily lives of the locals and visit The Chapel of The Shepherd's where the angles first announced the birth of Jesus.

A classical lunch is provided in Bethlehem.
*Make Sure to bring your passport as it is required sometimes.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Church of the Nativity, Manger Square .15 minutes walking from bus 231, Bethlehem Palestinian Territories

A full guided tour to the Church of the Nativity. The Church is one of the oldest working churches in existence today. The first Church was built by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD, over the grotto where Mary gave birth to Jesus. The church is located where Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Duration: 40 minutes

Stop At: The Church of St. Catherine, Bethlehem Palestinian Territories

Saint Catherine’s Church is a Franciscan monastery. It is said to be built on the site of Christ’s appearance to St. Catherine of Alexandria and his prediction of her martyrdom at the beginning of the 4th century.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Milk Grotto, Close to Manger Square, Bethlehem Palestinian Territories

The Milk Grotto church is the place where the Holy Family found refuge during the Massacre of the Innocents, before they could flee to Egypt. The name is derived from the story that a "drop of milk" of the Virgin Mary fell on the floor of the cave and changed its color to white.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Mar Saba Monastery, Juda Desert, Bethlehem Palestinian Territories

This Greek Orthodox Monastery, Mar Saba Monastery, located only 15 km from Bethlehem, is named after Saint Saba (439-532 CE) who settled in a cave opposite the actual site of the Monastery, in complete seclusion that lasted 5 years.

Few of the Byzantine desert monasteries can match the serenity and beauty of this place. Clinging to the cliff face of the Kidron Valley, this immense and spectacular Church evokes a thrilling shock when it first comes into view in the midst of a desert landscape. The Monastery was built in 484 AD by 5000 monks, followers of St. Saba (Mar Saba in Arabic). The Monastery contains two churches - the first is dedicated to St. Nicolas and was built in 491 AD, and the second main church is dedicated to honor the Annunciation of the Mother of God in 502 AD.

The body of Saint Saba can be seen in the main church, while his tomb is paved in the courtyard outside.

Although Mar Saba is reputed for its hospitality to strangers, women have never been allowed to enter. Hence they can enjoy a glimpse of the chapel and building from a nearby two storey tower known as the Women’s Tower.

There are memorable hiking opportunities in the area surrounding Mar Saba.

Duration: 55 minutes

Stop At: Shepherd's Sanctuary, Siyar el-Ghanam, Beit Sahour Palestinian Territories

The Chapel of The Shepherd's Field.It marks the place where, the angels first announced the birth of Christ. The Shepherds' Field Chapel is a religious building of the Catholic church that is in the area of Beit Sahur southeast of Bethlehem in the West Bank in Palestine. The chapel marks the place where the angels first announced the birth of Christ.

Duration: 35 minutes

Stop At: Herodion National Park, Israel

Visit to the wonderful palace of King Herod's Palace. We will get the chance to learn more about the history of the place and enjoy the work of wonder.

Duration: 55 minutes

Stop At: Solomon's Pools, Bethlehem Palestinian Territories

These pools were a part of an ancient waterway supplying water to Jerusalem. They are attributed to the prosperous and wise King Solomon (950 BC) and may have been mentioned in the Book of Ecclesiastes 2.6, where Solomon says "I made myself pools from which to water the forest of growing trees"

Duration: 40 minutes

Duration:8 hours
Commences in:Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories
Country:Palestinian Territories

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