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Donkey safari village Kuratica,Ohrid

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Donkey safari village Kuratica,Ohrid
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Donkey safari village Kuratica,Ohrid

Donkey Safari tour in village of Kuratica (Ohrid), “Live a traditional day, dare! With us cheer and play!”

Enter a Macedonian traditional house, go and live close to the nature, as it had been lived centuries ago, go back into the good past times. An enchanting beautiful walk around the area of the mountain village Kuratica ( 22km. from Ohrid) and it`s surroundings nature. Introduction in a traditional custom, cloths, the village`s spirit and culture. Our guests you will have the chance to taste traditional food and ride a donkey.

Time of departure: 09:30 a.m. (possibility to be picked up from your hotel/villa) We go northeast.

Our road leads through the city of Ohrid and passes by one interesting monument – mosque called “Cross Mosque” for which you will hear the story. It passes though the villages Velgoshti, Leskoec (the villages of cherries and strawberries) and Kosel where you will see the only one active volcano in the Balkans.

Arrival at village of Kuratica, situated at 1,100 meters elevation, on the slopes of Mount Plakenska at 22km from Ohrid. Meeting our local host, who will show us the village life and will reveal us the picture of its history, customs and culture.

First we will have a visit in a real authentic village house. Returning in the past times is awaiting us.

The host will present us processes of old traditional cloth making with spindle and loom. 

Tour on a donkey (for guest who would like to).

Walk in the nature. Enjoying it, you will be introduced with the flora and fauna and will have a possibility to pick up forest fruits. During the brake you will enjoy the divine view of lot of beautiful mountains, the Ohrid lake the village from above - the perfect spot for pictures. We will see the traditional sheepfolds and there`s inhabitants caws and sheep walking freely around the village area. Time to enjoy lunch. You can taste our most famous brandy - ”rakija” and have some homemade Macedonian dishes, (including vegan ones) like “ѓомлезе”, “питулици”, “манџа”... During the lunch you will see the old furnace and the way the bread is baked.The story seems not to have an end, since you will also have the opportunity to wear a pretty traditional village costumes, to go to the local market where to see or buy, home made souvenirs, organic food and so on and so on...

On our way back to Ohrid, we will stop to see another long forgotten tradition but still used in this part of the world - a natural laundry for washingclothes on a river – “valajca”.

Choose this tour and live for a moment as a local, feel the hospitality and the warmness of our people.

Time of the tour: Full day excursion - 09:30 a.m – 15:00 p.m

Difficulty: easy

Suitable for people interested in: tradition, nature, food, drink, donkey safari. 

Duration:5 to 6 hours
Commences in:Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia
Country:Republic of North Macedonia

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