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Leh Local Sightseeing

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Leh Local Sightseeing
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Leh Local Sightseeing

We introduce you to the places to see around that comes under Leh local sightseeing. It is almost inevitable (at least for people flying directly to Leh) to skip the local sightseeing of Leh town, so it becomes really important to know what all places are there, either in Leh or nearby Leh town so that you can spend a day or two easily without getting bored and utilize them effectively.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Shanti Stupa Road 500 steps from Changspa Road, Leh 194101 India

Built on a hilltop in Changspa region of Leh at an altitude of about 14K feet (4267 Mtrs), Shanti Stupa was built in 199. It is considered to be the most favorite tourist destination among other places in Leh local sightseeing plan. The visit to Shanti Stupa would greet you with a wide panoramic view of entire Leh town in the foreground and with breath-taking landscapes in the background.

You can reach it either through a drivable road all the way almost to top or you can choose to ascend about 500-600 stairs, which I will not advice if you are just landed a day or two back. After 7-8 day, you may give a try to fatigue using those stairs otherwise avoid them to let your body acclimatize properly.

Shanti Stupa in LehÂ…

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Hall of Fame, Leh-Kargil Road, Leh India

Worth a visit for every Indian to get a feeling of undue respect and salute the spirit of heroes of the Kargil War, especially if you have not been to Kargil War Memorial on Srinagar Leh Highway. On the other section, you can see and get an idea of various things that form the rough life of our brave soldiers at Siachen viz. the shoes used by soldiers, the food they eat and how they heat them using Hexamycin tablets etc.

You will walk out of with a different feeling if you really respect those brave souls, a feeling that can help you co-relate their rough life with yours which we keep cribbing over either some official matters or daily homely issues.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Chemre Gompa Monastery, Chemre, Leh India

It is about an easy half-hour walk from Leh towards the road leading to Khardung La pass. It is well lit in the evening and considering the fact that visiting hours are only limited to morning and evening.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Spituk Monastery, Spituk Village, Leh 194101 India

About 8 KMs from Leh, at an altitude of 3300 Mtrs was built way back in the 11th century and can be a good add to your Leh local sightseeing tour. The monastery houses about 100 monks and a giant statue of Kali which is unveiled at annual Gustor Festival held from the 27th to 29th day in the eleventh month of the Tibetan calendar.

Duration: 1 hour

Duration:4 to 8 hours
Commences in:Leh

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