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Entoto Mountain From Addis Ababa

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Entoto Mountain From Addis Ababa
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Entoto Mountain From Addis Ababa

At 3,200 meters in elevation, Entoto Hill is sort of the roof of Addis Ababa. Driving up the steep road, you’ll pass homes and small villages, highland growth, and as you gain elevation you’ll start to get great views of Addis Ababa (on a clear day). Menelik II built his palace on the Entoto Hill and used it as his headquarters during the founding of Addis Ababa. Towards the top of Entoto Hill is Entoto Maryam Cathedral, or St. Mary’s Church. It’s not the most impressive cathedral, but it’s worth a stop if you take a drive up the mountain. Entrance costs 200 ETB and covers the cathedral museum as well.If you do take a taxi, on the way back from Entoto Hill, be sure to stop by the Shiro Meda market , It’s a friendly market where you can buy all sorts of Ethiopian clothes and local crafts and National Museum of Ethiopia where you can visit Lucy , the First complete human being skeleton.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Shiromeda Bus Station, Haile Melekot St, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

If you’re interested in blankets, Ethiopian wedding attire or traditional clothing like a shamma (shawl worn by highlander men), head to this group of stalls lining Entoto Ave, a few hundred metres north of Botswana St and the Spanish embassy. This is where Addis locals do their shopping.

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: National Museum of Ethiopia, King George VI Street, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

The collection on show at the National Museum is ranked among the most important in sub-Saharan Africa, but sadly many of its exhibits are poorly labelled, lit and displayed. Far and away the highlight is the palaeontological exhibition in the basement, the home of world-famous Lucy. Her 1974 discovery in the Afar region of northwestern Ethiopia changed our understanding of human origins forever. This section is well labelled in English, so if your time is limited spend most of it here.

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Entoto Hill, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

entoto hill, addis ababa

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Entoto Maryam Church, North Shewa, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

The octagonal Entoto Maryam Church hosted Menelik’s coronation, but sadly for a church of such historical significance, the only time you can catch a glimpse of the interior is during Sunday Mass, and even then, casual visitors (as opposed to genuine worshipers) are not welcome. Down the hill on the back side of the building are the remains of Menelik's rather modest palace.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Menelik palace, Entot Mountain, Addis Ababa 1000 Ethiopia

After exploring the historic church, you will head towards King Menelik's palace, whose empress founded Addis Ababa. The palace was established when Menelik moved from Ankober to Addis. The palace and museum both testify to the simple taste Emperor Menelik and Empress Taitu had.

Duration: 15 minutes

Stop At: Kiddus Raguel Church, Entoto, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Moving away from the palace, you will be engaged in a long walk towards the historical St. Raguel and St Elias Churches, along the way viewing the local way of life and the landscapes

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Yaya Africa Athletics Village, Weserbi Street, Gergis area, A3, Sululta, Ethiopia

You will then drive to the world famed Yaya Athletics Village, where Ethiopia's famous athletes train where a typical Ethiopian lunch will be served and The place is also known for their organic honey wine and Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony.

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes

Duration:3 to 5 hours
Commences in:Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
City:Addis Ababa

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