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4-Day Simien Mountains Trek

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4-Day Simien Mountains Trek
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4-Day Simien Mountains Trek

An unforgettable trek through the remote splendour of themagnificent Simien region.Often compared for its scenic beauty to the Grand Canyon, theSimien Mountains National Park is one of the major highlandsof Africa. Its peaks include Ras Dashen, which at 4533m is thehighest peak in Ethiopia.The Park is a World Heritage Site, and is rich with wildlifetotally unique to the region, including the scarlet-chestedGelada Baboon, the Alia Ibex and the Simien Fox. Themountains are also home to diverse plant-life and over fiftyspecies of bird.

This 4-day trek in the Simien Mountains takes you to the highlights of the Simien Mountains National Park.

Duration:4 days
Commences in:Gonder, Ethiopia
City:Amhara Region

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