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Tallinn city tour

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Tallinn city tour
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Tallinn city tour

During this tour, you will be able to see almost every part of Tallinn, including Oldtown. Our driver will accompany you all the time and provide basic tour info.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: St. Olaf’s Church, Lai 50, Tallinn 10133 Estonia

St Olaf's Church in Tallinn, the city's biggest medieval structure, took its name from the sainted Norwegian king Olav II Haraldsson. The church was first mentioned in 1267. It became one of the main churches in the Lower Town and formed its own congregation, which at first mostly comprised Scandinavian merchants and craftsmen and few Estonians.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Vabaduse Monument, Vabaduse vaeljak 7, Tallinn 15199 Estonia

This open area at the edge of Old Town is a place of national symbolism and civic pride, as well as a favourite gathering spot.

From the last days of the Tsars and through Estonia's first period of independence, Freedom Square (Vabaduse väljak) was a place of parades and fanfare, but fell into neglect during the Soviet and post-Soviet period. In 2009, after extensive renovation, it was restored to its former glory.

Duration: 15 minutes

Stop At: Aleksander Nevski Katedraali, Lossi plats 10, Tallinn 10130 Estonia

This spectacular, onion-domed structure perched atop Toompea Hill is Estonia's main Russian Orthodox cathedral.

It's also by far the grandest, most opulent Orthodox church in Tallinn.

Built in 1900, when Estonia was part of the tsarist Russian empire, the cathedral was originally intended as a symbol of the empire's dominance – both religious and political – over this increasingly unruly Baltic territory.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Viru Gates, Viru tn, Tallinn Estonia

This pair of picturesque, ivy-covered towers at the entrance to Viru Street is often the first glimpse visitors get of Old Town.

Anyone passing between them couldn't be blamed for thinking they've left the 21st century behind and landed smack in the middle of the 18th.

The towers are actually only the foregates of what was a much more complex gate system built in the 14th century. It included a large, square tower that stood father back along the street, close to where the city wall can be seen.

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Kadriorg Park, Kadriorg, Tallinn Estonia

This vast park surrounding Kadriorg Palace is without a doubt the best place in town for relaxed strolling, pigeon feeding and life pondering.

It was set up in 1718 as part of the palace estate, but has always been open to the public.

In spring and summer visitors can see beautiful, manicured gardens and flowerbeds here, but most of the park has retained the look of the natural landscape, with meadows and forest groves.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Stop At: Tallinn TV Tower, Kloostrimetsa tee 58a, 11913 Tallinn, Estonia

he Tallinn Television Tower in Pirita is the tallest building in Tallinn and Estonia at 314 metres. The TV Tower is a great tourist, culture, and leisure centre.

Waiting for you at the tower:
- a panoramic view from 170 metres;
- outdoor terrace on the 21st floor;
- interactive multimedia solutions that introduce Estonia and Tallinn;
- view of the ground through the glass floor of the platform;
- an adrenaline-filled walk on the edge;
- futuristic interior milieu;
- cinema hall;
- attractions for children;
- mini TV studio;
- gift shop.

Duration: 1 hour

Duration:2 to 3 hours
Commences in:Tallinn, Estonia

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