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Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids Daily Tour by Only Official Foundation's Travel

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Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids Daily Tour by Only Official Foundation's Travel
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Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids Daily Tour by Only Official Foundation's Travel

England has a megalithic circle of Stonehenge, Peru mysterious energy of Machu Picchu, Egypt magnificent pyramids , Turkey prehistoric Capaddochia tunnels and Mexico spiritual pyramids in Teotihuacan. These are the attractions that millions of visitors, researchers, Spirituals and media have visited.

Visoko in Bosnia and Herzegovina has it all and more. Besides the largest and oldest pyramid of the world, Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, there is a mysterious prehistoric complex of tunnels beneath the pyramids where is present electromagnetic, ultrasonic and ionized energy with healing properties.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Underground Labyrinth Ravne, Ravne bb, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina

After a visit to Belvedere, the point of view where you can hear from your professional guide everything about Valley of the Pyramids.

Prehistoric Underground Labyrinth “Ravne” spreads beneath the entire Valley of Pyramids, we are going to see Underground Labyrinth Ravne.

To date we have cleaned 1700m of secured passages that visitors can walk through (60-90 minutes of a guided tour), to see and feel the power of carefully positioned ceramic mega blocks.

We are offering guided educational tours. Additionally, there are professional guide services for all visitors interested in the multi features of our Park: energetic, magnetic, healing, spiritual or simply touristic. Most beautiful natural complex near the entrance to underground labyrinth Ravne. Several active archaeological sites are located in the park such as the entrance to second level tunnels and shaped hill “the bell tower” with measured energy phenomena. Park has a platform for yoga and meditation, concert stage with a natural amphitheater, “aura amplifier -stone circles”, megalithic blocks – geocultural circle, underground spiral, a double stone labyrinth, spiral botanical garden and other. It’s a unique energy park in southern Europe.

After a visit to Ravne Tunnels, you will check the Foundation Museum. The museum exhibition is located in the building close to the entrance to underground labyrinth Ravne. Some of the artifacts discovered during the excavation are exposed. A number of satellite photos, energy measurements, lab analysis and radiocarbon dating can be found at the museum.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Park Ravne 2, Ravne bb near Underground Labyrinth Ravne, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Our archaeological and touristic park is the way to spend your free time in nature. You can stroll through amazing park, breathe fresh air, learn more about meditation, improve your positive energy visiting many meditation labyrinth or just immerse yourself in yoga on many meditation yoga platforms.

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina

The largest and oldest pyramid in the world. Visit the archaeological trenches at the northern side where synthetic concrete blocks were uncovered under the layers of soil and vegetation, possible visit to the “healing stone” as well.

Access to the parking at the base of the pyramid and 10 - minutes climbing.

After visit to northern side of Bosnian Pyramid of Sun, we will go to Tumulus in Vratnica village.

Visit the artificial conical hill, electromagnetic and ultrasound beams have been detected on the tumulus top, powerful energy spot ideal for meditations.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Pyramid Of The Moon, Visoko Bosnia and Herzegovina

After Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, we are going to Pyramid of the Moon. With its height of 190 meters is second highest py ramid in the world (great pyramid of egypt is 147 meters in height), visit to the paved pyramid terasses.

Duration: 1 hour

Duration:6 to 8 hours
Commences in:Zeničko-dobojski kanton, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country:Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine
City:Zeničko-dobojski kanton

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